Paradigm shift in this triple-digit billion market makes Compado as crucial as Google for publishers - especially in economic downturns

Superior Contextual Technology Platform outperforms the market by 5x and drives global expansion

Compado’s Rank AI Solution gives access to >250 advertisers and allows to significantly boost monetization through impressive conversion rates

Rank AI Widget Solution is significantly improving monetization for publishers through machine learning

Paradigm shift

Outperforming the market

Boosting monetization

Machine learning

How does it work?

Rank AI crawls content on site environment. Al detects automatically most suitable content and shows the respective ranking. Can be also fixed manually only for selected industries without the crawling function.

Example of the code snippet

Ranking Version Example


Long Ranking Version Example

Dynamic Version Example


Available industries:

Meal Delivery, Weight Loss, Language Learning, Matchmaking, Gaming, Pet GPS, Pet Insurance, Supermarkets Delivery. More will be available soon (e.g. Dental Insurance etc.), it is also possible to exclude industries or fix only one or a few selected ones.


Size of Rank AI Widget is adjustable. Easy Integration with Google Tag Manager or WordPress, can be adjusted to other tools, too. Possibility to send events directly to your Google Analytics or other tracking platforms.

Available GEOs:

DE, AT, CH and English speaking countries, more will follow soon

Commission model:

Revenue Share